It’s Britney BITCH! Today American pop culture fans will get to have some fun at the “Circus”, a once obviously ill pop princess Britney Spears is back and ready to promote her latest album. Although I am not sure if you all got a chance to catch her documentary of MTV this past Sunday, entitled, “Britney: For the Record”, a well edited hour and a half long special in which Britney allowed us to get up close and personal, as she was followed around for approx. 60 days over the course of making “Circus”. It is nice to see that she is NOW capable of actively participating in interviews and appearing sane to the public, however it is evident that this is not the last stop in Britney’s circus. She still has a lot to over come.
When Britney won all those awards at the MTV Music Awards earlier this year, I knew something was up. Although the tracks we hot, her performance lacked in all of the videos, and they even had to animate one. At the show Britney appeared reserved and it was clear that she thoroughly reviewed her performance from last year (the horrendous “Gimme More” debut)

, as she opted not to perform. Nevertheless when I heard she was releasing a new album I was not surprised. As I stated numerous times “Blackout” was hot, with upbeat tracks like “Radar”, “Break the Ice”, the award winning “Piece of Me”, and lets not forget every gay man’s anthem “Toy Solider”; in my opinion, all Brit needed was an amazing tour to top it off. However, according to the MTV documentary Britney was dealing with personal issues which detached her from her career…Ya think?

It wasn’t a secret that Britney had personal issues. She was going through custody battle with ex husband K.Fed, (she got with after he left his first baby mama while she was pregnant with his first child) she now calls “her babies daddy”, she shaved her head with paparazzi in tow, clubbed it up panty less all over LA, with P. Hilton, I mean Stevie Wonder could she that Britney Spears was not all there. However, in the documentary she only skims over what was really going on during that erratic time in her life. It’s funny because she doesn’t admit to doing drugs, lets be real...wasn't she in rehab? And tested postive for drugs? When asked what she was thinking while her antics plagued to every blogsite and news outlet, Brit said, “I was going through a terrible time in my life, I just wanted to be rebellious…everyone thought I was doing drugs.” In the end, all she can do now is ask her self, and “What was I thinking?”
Annoyingly, Britney harped on not being able to have a private life, “most celebrities can go outside, I see Jessica Alba in the supermarket, my sister goes out with her baby, and I can’t even leave my house.” She complained for a majority of the documentary that she can never be left alone, paparazzi is always following her. Well as I recall, Britney used to invited paparazzi to follow her, and enjoyed them even. She is a celebrity and that comes with the life…to which given much is required. Right? She stressed that she just wants her life to be normal and she would love to be on an island with her kids and a man, where no one can find them…You have money make it happen!
Her vulnerability and honesty only led me to believe that she still has a long was to recovery. Can you recover from being a manic depressant? Personally the record wasn’t set straight for me; the documentary only confirmed what I already knew: privilege does not equal happiness. She needs God, Britney better talk to Mary or something. No matter what she does, all the therapy in the world will not make her feel better if she is not spiritually inclined. It was evident in her documentary that she still needs to do some soul searching. Through tears she said, “I am unhappy with my life, I am sad, and lonely.”
I applaud her for allowing us to see the real, fun loving, chemically unbalanced Britney, who wants so badly to be just like everyone else. The first step is admitting there is a problem…right? But solving is another step. It appears as though she is stuck or maybe feeling obligated to live up the status, if you are unhappy with the fame I say let it go.

After 10 years Brit is still trying to find stability in regards to her career and personal life, take a page from Beyonce’s , she is selling millions and we still have yet to see her wedding dress. Stop coping pleas and give us another “Slave For You” tour! Unstable personal life or not, one thing is for sure through her public battle with depression her music has remained consistent. “Circus” is a dance and club banger! I love “Womanizer”, “Circus”, “Phonography”, and many other songs. Although Britney Spears is clearly mentally ill, I hope that she can keep her self under wraps in time for her tour next year!!! The Onyx Hotel was centuries ago!
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