In an overtly tyrannical flaunt of “Freedom of Speech” cartoonist Barry Blitt creates an offensive satire of Sen. Barack Obama and his wife Michelle for the cover of this week’s issues of The New Yorker. Senator Obama is adorned in muslim or as many Pro-war Americans like to call them insurgent attire, with the American flag vigorously burning in a fireplace behind him. For some reason Britt saw it necessary to portray Michelle in an Afro hairstyle, which is in my opinion is racist and shows no reflection of her at all. In addition, she is smiling while grasping an AK as is to suggest that this all-American family promotes violence, and terrorist that have allegedly attacked the United States. I forgot to mention the fist bump, which the media had an issue with before, however Blitt makes sure to highlight that as well.
If that is not displaying sides, causing controversy, and taking U.S propaganda tactics to another level than I don’t know what is. I would expect something like that from a southern or more openly racist state, but I guess this is still White America. Does this cover compliment the creativeness of the artist, or does it speak in volumes as to how low the Republican Party will go in order to sabotage the image of the Democratic Party and its leading candidate? Let me know what you think. I am disturbed and unfortunately will be purchasing this historical cover, it would add as a wonderful visual for my children when I give them life lessons on being Black in America, and how we have come so far.
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